Thursday, December 4, 2014

Your mileage WILL vary

Life is short, health is fragile, people don't stick around for long. You are half the person you aspire to be and twice the person you think you are. Love hard, live bravely, and keep trying.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

back to bikes…

Ah yes, bikes, and racing, and fall weather and cyclocross and all of the velo things that make my heart beat. I returned to cx racing today. It was a little rough. The last 3 or 4 weeks have taken a toll on me and I could feel it. No riding for two of those weeks told on me today… but it just felt so damn good to be out there with my heart pounding like a jack hammer.

Joules Cross is a power course. Not my strong suit. It shows me where I'm weak and what I'll be working on this winter.  I didn't openly whine, snivel, cuss or complain like I did last year as I tore past the pit area. If I remember correctly, this was the race that forced me to actually ask... no, beg a good friend for his help in coaching me as I had no idea what I was doing or how to train properly for cross.  I still whined and sniveled and felt plenty of self pity this year as I struggled but managed to keep it to myself. An improvement.  
I love cross. The anaerobic bursts of pain, the challenge, the mad scrambling. I love things that force me to turn myself inside out and see what's inside.