Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The War and Treaty - Ain't No Harmin' Me (Live From Jimmy Kimmel Live!)

I lost my mother on Saturday. This has been a long time coming. She suffered greatly and while I am glad this chapter is over for her sake, I know that this hole in my life will not be filled. And while I'm starting to now really process the grief that I've been holding onto for the last four years, I'm also processing the lessons I have learned and am learning through this time.


I’m not a Christ follower but I do believe in a creator… and I believe that our ancestors are always in our corner.

God and the devil, good and evil, the lightness and the dark, negative and positive. These forces have always been here and are a part of living in this world.

Sometimes, a lot of times, it feels like the bad guys are winning.

Don’t let them win.

Love is the only way out of this mess. 

(And you are thinking to yourself - well ain't this some hippie shit... I know, I know... keep reading )

I’m talking about the mundane, every day kind of stuff.

The invitation to fall into a go-nowhere argument or the the poorly thought-out accusation where the other person would love for you take the bait and run with it.

Don’t do it.

Don’t react.


And don’t just surround yourself with people that you love and love you, but also the ones who will tell you the truth that you may not want to hear.

As for me, I’m learning how to eat my pride.
And I’m learning how to sit on my hands.

Everyone needs a little bit of grace, including me.